Review all Boardwork and turn in. (You should have 11 items on your board work paper.)
Journal entry.
Choose one of the topics we discussed in class to write your journal entry #3.
Must be at least 150 words.
Info Processing
Finish the Dirties Jobs research and turn in.
Quiz over 1st and 2nd words.
Timed writings over home row. We will go to computer lab today.
Lesson Plan for Thursday, 8/28/14
Comma Unit
Finish and grade "Combining sentences using Appositives."
Do the Parenthetical Expression worksheet putting in the commas where needed. (see eBackpack for worksheet.)
Assign: Write 5 sentences using parenthetical expression.
Info Processing
Career Unit
Read Article "Reality Check" in eBackpack.
Work on your budget.
Practice 1st and 2nd finger words. (Quiz on Friday)
Timed writings in computer lab.
Lesson Plan for Wednesday, 8/27/14
Comma Unit
Using Commas with Appositives
Using worksheets in eBackPack, practice identifying the appositives and putting the commas where needed.
Assign: Combining sentences using appositives. (See eBackPack for worksheet)
We will finish in class on Thursday.
Info Processing
Career Unit
Grade ABC Activity
Fill out the "Why Work" handout and work on developing a personal monthly budget using the Handout provided.
Home Row timed writing.
Comma Unit
Using Commas with Appositives
Using worksheets in eBackPack, practice identifying the appositives and putting the commas where needed.
Assign: Combining sentences using appositives. (See eBackPack for worksheet)
We will finish in class on Thursday.
Info Processing
Career Unit
Grade ABC Activity
Fill out the "Why Work" handout and work on developing a personal monthly budget using the Handout provided.
Home Row timed writing.
Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 8/26/14
Comma Unit
Review Comma numbers 1, 2, & 3
Go over the Direct Address worksheet in eBackpack.
Assign: Write five 8 word sentences using Direct Address.
Use at least 1 direct address at the beginning of the sentence comma #1, one in the middle #2, one at the end #3 and the last two sentences your choice.
Info Processing
Finish the ABC Career exploration activity.
Introduce the 2nd finger reaches.
Add the 2nd finger words to your list to study.
Practice the reaches using the worksheet provided in class.
Comma Unit
Review Comma numbers 1, 2, & 3
Go over the Direct Address worksheet in eBackpack.
Assign: Write five 8 word sentences using Direct Address.
Use at least 1 direct address at the beginning of the sentence comma #1, one in the middle #2, one at the end #3 and the last two sentences your choice.
Info Processing
Finish the ABC Career exploration activity.
Introduce the 2nd finger reaches.
Add the 2nd finger words to your list to study.
Practice the reaches using the worksheet provided in class.
Lesson Plan for Monday, 8/25/14
Comma Clue Unit
Hand out packets (to be kept in their class folder)
Go over and practice the first three comma clues.
Introductory, interrupter, and Afterthought.
Note: There is also a copy of the comma clue packet in eBackpack.
Info Processing
Career Unit
ABC exploration activity.
Using the career links in eBackpack, Find a job title for each letter of the alphabet and List the following information:
1. Job Title
2. One fact (This can be a job duty or education needed for the job.)
3. Salary (entry level, medium, or range)
Home Row practice Page 4 in MicroMastery
Teacher guided and on your own.
Comma Clue Unit
Hand out packets (to be kept in their class folder)
Go over and practice the first three comma clues.
Introductory, interrupter, and Afterthought.
Note: There is also a copy of the comma clue packet in eBackpack.
Info Processing
Career Unit
ABC exploration activity.
Using the career links in eBackpack, Find a job title for each letter of the alphabet and List the following information:
1. Job Title
2. One fact (This can be a job duty or education needed for the job.)
3. Salary (entry level, medium, or range)
Home Row practice Page 4 in MicroMastery
Teacher guided and on your own.
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