Lesson Plan for Thursday and Friday, 01/ 29 & 30/15

Hink Pink Unit
Go over what a hink pink is and do some for practice.
Take notes.
Do the Worksheet with a partner.
Try writing some of your own.

Keyboard Review Timed Writing.
Learn to type numbers correctly.
Get keyboards.

Lesson Plan for Wednesday, 01/28/15

1st and 2nd hour only
Turn in Warm Fuzzies and make one warm fuzzy card.

Free Day

Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 01/27/15

Valentine Activity (Warm Fuzzy)
Go over the examples of warm fuzzies and the assignment as shown below. There is also a copy of this in eBackpack.

grade word processing assignment "formatting a short report"
Make puzzle using puzzlemaker.com using a list of 15 words that have to do with
what we've done in class so far this trimester.

Lesson Plan for Monday, 01/26/15

You will read your stories you wrote on Friday to the class.
If time we will take a Subject/Predicate quiz in Socrative.

Word Processing
Finish formatting the short report we started on Friday.