Lesson Plan for Thursday, 04/23/15

English (Review Day)
Review Pronoun notes
Review Prepositions
Review Linking verbs
No assignment

Word Processing Unit
Using Pages on iPad, type your report that we typed in computer lab yesterday. Make any corrections to typos, spelling, or punctuation errors.

Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 04/21/15

Pronoun Unit
Page 9 in packet in eBackpack -indefinite pronouns-
Review which ones are plural, which ones are singular, and which one are both depending on its antecedent.
Do the 9 sentences at the bottom of the page.
When finished make up anything missed earlier.

Grade Silly Putty research activity.
Go over formatting a short report and type it correctly.

Lesson Plan for Monday, 04/20/15

Add to notes:
Other Types of Pronouns
Interrogative (who/whom, whose, which, what)
Demontrative (this, that, these, those)
Indefinite: (another, anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, Neither, nobody, no one, one, somebody, someone, something, both, few, many, several)
Reflexive (myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves)
Assignment: Page 7 in pronoun packet (Troublesome pronouns)
Write your answers on a sheet of paper

Review Word Processing terms.
Assignment: Silly Putty research.
Answer all the questions on the worksheet by researching using Google or Ask.com