Lesson Plan for Thursday and Friday, 12/4 and 12/5, 2014

Verb Unit
Thursday: Action verb worksheet in eBackpack. Grade in class.
Friday: Conjugating verbs work sheet. Conjugate the regular and irregular verbs. Use your dictionary app for help.
Last 10 minutes of class you will get Friday Freedom.

Thursday: Timed writings over 1st finger and home row words.

Friday: Work on 2nd Finger Reaches.
Get iPad keyboards and we will type practice typing 2nd finger words and 1st finger words combined.
Friday Freedom the last 10 minutes of class

Lesson Plan for Wednesday, 12/03/14

Verb Unit
Do the ABC verb activity,
For every letter of the alphabet write an action verb. For example:
A = acting
B = bark
Try to come up with as many vivid, fun verbs as possible.
We will also do a journal entry the first 5 minutes of class. Write about your favorite Christmas tradition. Must be at least six sentences. Don't forget to write a topic sentence!!!!

Review first finger reaches and add the home row keys to them to make up your own practice keyboarding assignment. You may only use the following letters: A S D F G H J K L R T V B U Y N M
We will use the keyboards for the iPads today and stay in the classroom.

Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 12/04/14

Verb Unit Day 1.
 Take notes over teacher lecture.
presentation for lecture can be found in eBackpack.

Vote for Computer Art contest.
Review first finger words.

Lesson Plan for Monday, 12/01/14

Grade Board Work for set one of second trimester. There are six words.
Copy Memory Cards #7 and #8: linking verbs and the five families of helping verbs.
Hand back graded thankful paper and record rating on record sheet.

Finish your Computer Art contest and convert to jpeg to put in iPhoto so we can vote tomorrow.