Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 05/12/15

Adverb Quiz
Complete adverb activity.

Finish working on  your computer art contest #2

Lesson Plan for Monday, 05/11/15

Adverb Unit
Review notes
Assign: Identifying and charting adverbs. Complete the worksheet in eBackpack.
Homework: Look over notes. We will have an Adverb note quiz tomorrow.

Finish Website evaluations from last Thursday.
Work on contest #2

Lesson Plan for Friday, 05/08/15

Proofread your journal entries and make corrections if needed.
Give your self an interesting grade.
Play Adverb password

Computer Drawing contest #2
We'll decide as a class what the requirements should be.
Note: Remember if you want a picture printed of your first contest entry, bring .50 to cover the cost of the picture paper and photo printer ink.

Here are some examples from last contest:

Lesson Plan for Thursday, 05/07/15

Do the adjective to adverb worksheet.

Free day.

Lesson Plan for Wednesday, 05/06/15

Adverb Unit
Finish Adverb Notes
Grade Vocab Board Work.
Do Adverb Activity if time.

Timed writings.

Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 05/05/15

Proofread carefully and print out journal entries.
Copy Adverb notes when done.
If time, we will read some of our entries aloud.

Vote for computer art contest winner.
Take practice timed writings, if time.

Lesson Plan for Monday, 05/14/15

Finish the journal entry from Friday. Proofread carefully and make sure you have a definite beginning, middle and end. We will also work on different sentence beginnings to make your writing more interesting. Print out your final copy.

Finish your Computer Art Contest and convert to a jPeg.

Lesson Plan for Wednesday, 04/29/15

Pronoun Test!!!
Have something to work on after turning in the test.
No assignment.

Journal writing
Create a new pages file on iPad and name it Journal Entry 1
List 20 things you love about summer.
Then go back and give one reason for each thing you listed.
We will discuss in class and I will help you get started.

Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 04/28/15

Grade the reflexive pronoun worksheet and do the test review.
Pronoun test tomorrow
You may use your notes.
Make sure you have something to work on when you turn in the test.

Finish the word processing assignment you started on Monday, "Formatting a Report".

Lesson Plan for Monday, 04/27/15

Pronoun Unit
Review Subject and Object pronouns
Subject: I, we, she, he, they, you, it
Object: me, us, her, him, them, you, it
Discuss Reflexive Pronouns: myself, yourself,  yourselves, himself, herself themselves, ourselves, itself,
Complete the last 2 packet pages. If you are absent, you will find the packet in ebackpack.

Format a longer report using keyboards and your iPads create a file in pages and properly format and type the report assignment. You have 2 days to finish.
Do Not Print.

Lesson Plan for Thursday, 04/23/15

English (Review Day)
Review Pronoun notes
Review Prepositions
Review Linking verbs
No assignment

Word Processing Unit
Using Pages on iPad, type your report that we typed in computer lab yesterday. Make any corrections to typos, spelling, or punctuation errors.

Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 04/21/15

Pronoun Unit
Page 9 in packet in eBackpack -indefinite pronouns-
Review which ones are plural, which ones are singular, and which one are both depending on its antecedent.
Do the 9 sentences at the bottom of the page.
When finished make up anything missed earlier.

Grade Silly Putty research activity.
Go over formatting a short report and type it correctly.

Lesson Plan for Monday, 04/20/15

Add to notes:
Other Types of Pronouns
Interrogative (who/whom, whose, which, what)
Demontrative (this, that, these, those)
Indefinite: (another, anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, Neither, nobody, no one, one, somebody, someone, something, both, few, many, several)
Reflexive (myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves)
Assignment: Page 7 in pronoun packet (Troublesome pronouns)
Write your answers on a sheet of paper

Review Word Processing terms.
Assignment: Silly Putty research.
Answer all the questions on the worksheet by researching using Google or Ask.com

Lesson Plan for Friday, 04/17/15

Review pronouns and their antecedents
Assignment: complete the pronoun packet pages 4 & 5.

Finish the Alphabet Soup assignment.
Friday Freedom when done.

Lesson Plan for Thursday, 04/16/15

Grade Pronoun packet 2 & 3
No assignment since 6th and 7th hour  won't be meeting because of the track meet starting at 1:00.

Word Processing  assignment. Alphabet soup assignment.

Lesson Plan for Wednesday, 14/15/15

Pronoun Unit
Review notes from Monday and complete first two pages of pronoun packet.
There will be a copy in ebackpack.

Word Processing Unit
Review notes over the Word Processing Commandments we discussed Monday and Tuesday.
Define the following WP terms
Alignment (Left, Center, Right, Full)
Text Style
Font Size
Page Breaks

Lesson Plan for Monday, 04/15/15

Pronoun Notes
Take notes and copy the personal and possessive pronoun charts.

Learn to type numbers.
Go over the chart and practice.

Lesson Plan for Thursday, 04/09/15

Last day to use class time to work on Life Maps. (They are due on Friday.)
When finished, Complete Worksheet. (Find all the convention errors in the 10 sentences and rewrite correctly.)

Journal writing today. (all about me) You will type continuously until the timer goes off.
Then proofread and make corrections. Read aloud if you want.

Lesson Plan for Tuesday and Wednesday, April 7 & 8, 2015

Work on LIfe Maps
Do Vocab Lesson if needed when finished with map.

Practice typing using the shift key.
Take timed writings.

Lesson Plan for Monday, 04/06/15

Judge the self-portrait contest
Judge folders
Go over the Life Map Assignment.

25 keyword quiz and timed writing.

Lesson Plan for Wednesday, 04/01/15

Myself Unit: Complete the Character Building Worksheet. Activity #5

Practice 25 Keyword Test.
Take timed writings over all 25 key words.

Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 03/31/15

Go over the writing assignments using the guide as shown.
Work on self portraits.

Work on 4th finger reaches using handout.

Lesson Plan for Monday, 3/30/15

Myself Unit
Grade Name Lists.
Do Activity #4 Cinquains
Start working on self portraits.

Timed writings over 1st, 2nd, and 3rd finger words.
Journal entry: Describe your favorite object. (I will observing for technique grade as you type in your journal)

Lesson Plan for Thursday and Friday, 3/26 and 3/27, 2015

Finish "Myself Folders"
Complete Activity 3 (name lists)

Practice Third Finger reaches and words.
Free time on Friday.

Lesson Plan for Tuesday & Wednesday, 03/24/15 & 03/25/15

State assessments Part 1 on Tuesday and Part II on Wednesday.

Learn and practice 3rd finger reaches.
Use handout.

Lesson Plan for Monday, 03/23/15

Myself Unit
Go over list of activities
Do Activity 1: Self-Worth Quiz
Start working on "Myself Folder"

Start working on 3rd finger reaches.
Add 3rd finger words to memory card.

Lesson Plan for Wednesday, 03/11/15

2nd part of state assessment practice.
Write either a narrative or informative essay using the notes you took on Part I.
Use google drive.

Journal writing today.
Brainstorm topics then choose one to write about. You may share with the class when writing time is up.

Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 03/10/15

State Assessment Practice.
Read the article in eBackpack "MDPT Sample" about the Chisholm Trail and take notes.

Review 1st and 2nd finger reaches.
Introduce 3rd finger reaches and words.

Lesson Plan for Monday, 03/09/15

Kinds of Sentences Quiz.
We review the 4 kinds of sentences and then wrote four examples for each kind.
Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, and exclamatory.

We had a program today, so no assignment,

Lesson Plan for Friday, 03/06/15

Review 4 Kinds of Sentences.
Write 3 sentences for each.
Interrogative - Question
Imperative - Request or Command
Declarative - Statement
Exclamatory - Strong Feeling

We will practice 1st and 2nd finger reaches in your kybdg file in computer lab.
Download from eBackpack

Lesson Plans for Thursday, 03/05/15

Review Different sentence beginnings.
Review the four kinds of sentences:
Interrogative = question ?
Imperative = request or command . or !
Declarative = statement .
Exclamatory = strong feeling !

Complete the worksheet.

We will work in the computer lab today.
Make a kybdg file in MS word and up load to eBackpack.
Practice first and second finger words.

Lesson Plan for Wednesday, 03/04/15

Go over Adjective quiz from Tuesday.
Finish your journal entry from Friday.
Share your entry with one other person. (Step outside your comfort zone and share with someone you don't know very well.)
No assignment today.

Take timed writings over 1st and 2nd finger words: fur fun gun gum guy buy but hut jut vug jim dim kid red cue my,

Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 03/03/15

Grade Adjective packet 4a and 4b
Review notes.
Take adjective quiz.
Turn in Board Work (8 words)

second finger reach practice

Lesson Plan for Monday, 03/02/15

Adjective Unit
Complete Page 4a and 4b in packet.
In 4a complete the even numbers only and write out the sentences.
In 4b write answers only, 1-15.
Note: We will review and take an adjective quiz tomorrow.

Review first finger and home row reaches. Take 2 timed writings.

Lesson Plan for Friday, 02/26/15

Adjective Wheels due. For some classes your illustrated sentence is due also.
Assign: Journal Entry- Choose a title from the list of titles below and create a short-short story.
You have 15 minutes to be creative and complete.

1. ___________'s Rules (Put your name in the blank.)

2. The Day I Won the Lottery

3. Welcome to my World of Make Believe

4. The Big Game or The Perfect Game

5. The Day I Skipped School to Save the World

Friday Freedom last 10 minutes of class if all work is finished.


Practice with first finger and home row words.
Take two timed writings.
Friday Freedom

Lesson Plan for Thursday, 02/26/15

Adjective unit
Grade the packet page 3a & b. (Grade your own paper)
Complete the adjective wheels on the worksheet provided.
When finished choose one of your wheels to use in a sentence and draw an illustration to go with it.
Practice taking timed writing and practice figuring wpm scores.
We will use the first finger words we practiced on Wednesday.

Lesson Plan for Wednesday, 02/25/15

Adjective Unit
Assign: Packet page 3a and 3b in eBackpack.
All work will be done in class unless you are absent today.

First Finger Reach practice.
Word find using first finger and home row letters.

Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 02/24/15

Grade the Adjective packet page 2.
Assign: Journal entry
Choose one of the following topics to write about for today's journal entry.
1. Top 10 Reasons to not have a ___________ as a pet.

2. Top 10 things you can do to keep your parents happy.

3. Five things you could do to make your school better.

Review home row and add the first finger reaches to it.
Game: Make as many words as possible in 5 minutes using only the home row and the first finger reaches.

Lesson Plan for Monday, 02/23/15

Adjective Unit
Review notes and take quiz
Assign: Packet Page 2a, Chart the adjectives according to directions on the worksheet. There is a copy in eBackpack or you can use the jpeg shown below.

Finish the journal entries we started on Thursday. We have 4 more students to describe.
Get Keyboards and open your journal file using Pages on your iPad.

When finished, fill in blank keyboard with all the letters, numbers and most commonly used punctuation marks. 

Lesson Plan for Friday, 02/20/15

Grade Adj. Packet page 1.
Do the ABC Adjective activity.
Last 10 minutes of class is Friday Freedom if all work is done.

Work on journal entries describing classmates physical characteristics.

Lesson Plan for Thursday, 02/19/15

Adjective Unit
Review notes.
Assign: Page 1 a & b in packet.
The packet is in eBackpack. Record your answers on paper.
If you are home sick you may mark your answers in eBackpack or notability and send to me for grading.

Keyboarding Unit
Review and practice home row keys.
Use keyboards with iPads and open a file in pages. Name it KYBDG.

Lesson Plan for Wednesday, 02/18/15

Adjective Unit Day 1
Take notes. Below is picture of the notes we covered in class today.

Brainstorm ideas on way to decorate class folder.
Work on it and bring to me to grade before the end of class.

Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 02/17/15

Boardwork Vocab. Review
Look over all vocab, words we've had so far this year.
We will play password with these words.

Day one of Trimester 3.
Go over rules and syllabus for Keyboarding/computer class

Lesson Plan for Thursday, 02/11/15

Finish journal entries from Wednesday.
Assign: Find 10 unusual or fun words.
             Write the definition.
              Give the part of speech. (if the part of speech is not given see if you can determine from the definition what part of speech it is.

Group Pictionary in the computer lab.
Open a blank word processing file and change page setup to horizontal
Show grid if you want.
Be ready to draw!!!!!

Lesson Plan for Wednesday, 02/10/15

Monday's proofreading and correcting assignment is due today.
Assignment: We will free writing in our journal today. If you finish early, add words to your word bank journal entry.

Page 55 in the book. 30b and 30c.

Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 02/10/15

Journal writing
We will discuss "first memories" and choose one to write about for a journal entry.
You will have a 10 minute time limit. When times up, you may share with the class.
This is free writing assignment so you don't have to worry about spelling, capitalization or punctuation while you are writing. You will correct these after the 10 minutes are up.

Remember:  Monday's assignment must be turned in today or a 0 will be entered into the grade book.


Continue practice keying numbers correctly.
Page 54 and 55, lesson 29f and30a

Lesson Plan for Monday, 02/09/15

State Assessment practice
Correcting Convention Errors.
We will be going over some sample writings from the Tom Thumb article we did last week.
We will correct one together.
Choose one of the passages provided in eBackpack or use the sample shown here and rewrite ONE of these passages correcting all errors.
We will grade tomorrow in class.

NOTE: This will be a very important grade in the grade book. If you do not have it done tomorrow in class it will be entered  as a 0 in the gradebook, but you will be given one extra day to get it done and turned in to me for full credit. (I think that's a pretty good deal, so don't let me down!)

Practice typing numbers.
Continue the keyboarding practice with numbers. (We're almost done)
Pages 53 and 54.

Lesson Plan for Friday, 02/06/15

Review your writing summary of the Tom Thumb article.
Make up day for any missing work.

Make up day for any missing work.

Lesson Plan for Thursday, 02/05/15

Using your notes from Wednesday, write either an informative article about General Tom Thumb.

Page 52 in book.
More practice typing numbers.

Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 02/03/15


Go over Vocab sentences from Monday.
Read about General Tom Thumb. (The file is in eBackpack)
We will be using this information for writing practice for state assessments.


More practice with numbers.
Page 50.

Lesson Plan for Monday, 02/02/15

Vocabulary sentences
Choose 10 words from all of the boardwork we have had so far in this class.
Write  a sentences for each.
Sentences must be at least eight words.
The word must be used correctly, so make sure if the word is a verb you use it as a verb in the sentence. If the word is an adjective you use it to describe a noun.
Turn in at the end of the hour.

Example: implore /verb

I implore you to follow directions and pay attention in class, so you will do well on the test.

Typing numbers correctly.
Review the number keys from last week.
Page 48, 26b and page 49 26c. The do the technique builder on 49 26d.

Lesson Plan for Thursday and Friday, 01/ 29 & 30/15

Hink Pink Unit
Go over what a hink pink is and do some for practice.
Take notes.
Do the Worksheet with a partner.
Try writing some of your own.

Keyboard Review Timed Writing.
Learn to type numbers correctly.
Get keyboards.

Lesson Plan for Wednesday, 01/28/15

1st and 2nd hour only
Turn in Warm Fuzzies and make one warm fuzzy card.

Free Day

Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 01/27/15

Valentine Activity (Warm Fuzzy)
Go over the examples of warm fuzzies and the assignment as shown below. There is also a copy of this in eBackpack.

grade word processing assignment "formatting a short report"
Make puzzle using puzzlemaker.com using a list of 15 words that have to do with
what we've done in class so far this trimester.

Lesson Plan for Monday, 01/26/15

You will read your stories you wrote on Friday to the class.
If time we will take a Subject/Predicate quiz in Socrative.

Word Processing
Finish formatting the short report we started on Friday.

Lesson Plan for Friday, 01/23/15

Creative Writing Activity
Write a story using one of the story starters provided:

1.  As I was walking along the beach under a full moon, I suddenly spotted something moving in the water.

2. None of the girls on the swim team liked Bernie, but Bernie didn't care.

3. Henry said there was a dragon living in the woods behind his house, and none of uis believed him until we saw the scorch marks.

4. I think the pictures on the wall are coming to life at night.

The only requirements are that your story needs a beginning, a middle, and an end.

You may read them to the class on Monday.

Word Processing Assignment: Formatting a short report.
We will go over the formatting requirements and then type a short report in the computer lab.
I will provide the short report. You just have to type it and format it correctly.

Lesson Plan for Thursday, 01/22/15

Finish open note verb test.

Word Processing Assignment
Leader Tabs.
Don't print. I will grade your work on the computer.

Lesson Plan for Wednesday, 01/21/15

Work on final copy of your snow day paragraph.
Review the verb unit.
We will work in groups and take an open note test if time. If not we will take on Thursday.

Final day for Computer Art Contest.
Review timed writings over all the letter keys on the keyboard.
We will use the keyboards.

Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 01/20/15

Proofread your snow day paragraph and make any needed changes. (Reprint if needed.)
We will to take time to read aloud if you'd like to.

Finish your computer art contest.

Lesson Plan for Monday, 01/19/15

Clean folders of papers no longer needed.
1. Verb notes
2. Memory Cards
3. Comma Clue Packet
4. Writing Assignments
5. Record sheet
6. Useful transition handout
7. All board work

Computer Art Contest #2.
We will go over the directions. (You can find them in eBackpack.)
Everyone will print their contest entry this time instead of converting to jpeg.

Lesson Plan for Friday, 01/16/15

Grade board work 15–21
Finish Snow Day paragraph.
Friday Freedom last 10 minutes of class if all work is complete.

Word Processing
Correct the poem "Human Brain Not Yet Obsolete"
The format and type it correctly.
Friday Freedom the last 10 minutes of class if all work is complete.

Lesson Plan for Thursday, 01/15/15

Write a 10 sentence paragraph using the information from you list you made in your journal on Wednesday. Remember, either write about how you spend the perfect snow day (1st person) or write a "how to" (2nd person) enjoy a snow day.

Word Processing practice
Complete the Text Edit Assignment using the directions provided.
Down load the file to edit from eBackpack.
If you missed school today, you will need to come to my room to complete the assignment when you return to school.

Lesson Plan for Wednesday, 01/14/15

Prewriting Activity
In your journal list 20 things you like/love about snow days.
Choose 5 to write about in a paragraph on "How to Enjoy a Snow Day"

Word processing Commandment test today.
Journal writing
Topic: Create 10 rules every middle school student should follow.....

Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 01/13/15

Vivid Verbs
Using the vivid verb table from Monday, write a short story using as many as possible.
You may work in groups of two or three.
We will brain storm ideas for stories before starting to write.

1st hour will complete the vivid verb table.

We will review for the word processing commandment quiz tomorrow. Use the link on the left to look over them if needed.

Lesson Plan for Monday, 01/12/15

Finding the subject and the verb in sentences
Grade the worksheet from Friday.
Some classes will do more practice identify phrases as complete thoughts or fragments and finding the subject and verb in sentences. Some classes will do the Vivid Verb activity eBackpack.
No Homework

Word Processing commandments.
Type the 10 commandments of word processing and format:
*center the title
*center your name under the title
*number each commandments
* bold, underline, or italicize the key words in each commandment.
Note: you should have the notes in your folder from Friday. If not, I will provide you a copy.

Lesson Plan for Thursday, 1/8/15

The Sentence
Go over notes.
Complete worksheet finding the complete subject and complete predicate in the sentences.
There is a copy in eBackpack.
Note: You will have a Helping/Auxiliary verb test on Friday, so don't forget to study!!!

Word Processing
Go over Mrs. Marshall's Commandments of Word Processing and pick out the key words.
There will be a copy in eBackpack on Friday.

Lesson Plan for Wednesday, 1/07/15

Review Helping Verbs
Grade worksheet (practice with irregular verbs)
Guided practice for studying the 23 helping verbs. TEST FRIDAY
No assignment

Keyboarding practice; page 25 in book.

Lesson Plan for Tuesday, 1-6-15

Verb review
Review the five family of helping verbs and complete the 5 minute exercise in class.
Verb Usage Review:
Complete both sides of Worksheet: Usage Review

Word Processing
Review what you started on your ABC Soup assignment and finish today if possible.