Seventh Grade English Syllabus

Syllabus for 7th Grade English
Teacher: Peggy Marshall, Phone: 724-4114
Course Overview:
         This course is designed to teach middle school students to use proper English in both their writing and their speaking. We review all capitalization rules,  all marks of punctuation,  all eight parts of speech, and we learn and practice proper grammar usage. We practice various types of writing, including descriptive, narrative, expository, and technical writing.
Classroom Guidelines:
1.   Students must be in their seats with their work out and ready at the assigned classroom time. Check board for assignments or board work.
2.   Students who do not complete their homework or daily assignment will have consequences, which may include receiving 70% credit or doubling the assignment. Doubled work assignments not completed will result in a zero grade.
3.   Students who do not complete a writing assignment will also have consequences, which may include a conference with the teacher and a required extended school hour to finish the assignment. Late writing assignments will be accepted at 70% credit if done within the time given. If not completed within the given time, the student will earn a zero.
4.   Students who are not prepared for class with homework, text folder, pens, etc. will be given a materials mark.
5.   All school rules and regulations will apply to this class as stated in the student handbook and the classroom procedures handout.
Grades are weighted by the following: daily work = 30%, test scores = 30%, and writing assignments = 40% of the final grade. The table below shows how this weighted grade would be figured.
Daily Work
Total Points

Letter Grade


Grade Scale:             
100 — 94=A                 89 — 87=B+         79 — 77=C+                    69 — 67=D+
93 — 90=A-                 86 — 84=B            76 — 74=C            66 — 64=D
                         83 — 80=B-           73 — 70=C-           63 — 60=D-

*Please feel free to call me if you have questions or concerns.

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